Another little bandeau number from Victoria’s Secret, a few seasons ago now. I prefer this twist front bandeau to the ruched front that is so widely available and not quite so flattering to my eye. Tied bottoms are cute but also flexible given slight fluctuations in weight. Victoria’s Secret provides a basically ridiculous number of options, which I suspect is key to their swimwear success.
Bandeaus with halter straps like this, when you wear the halter, create this great trapezoid within the square (of your shoulders) figure that I like a lot. Not so young now, in the world of bikini-wearing anyway, I am aware of the challenge of making choices that are playful without being too childish, or too teenagerish. Or outright tacky (No jewels! Power to you if you like a bit of encrustation with your swimwear, but I can’t do it). This is such a fine line, I think, and one that shifts around from one person to another, from one age to another, and that shifts around on me all the time based on mysterious changes in my various inner microclimates. This example is well in my comfort zone but close enough to the line to make me aware of the line. Sometimes I don’t think a piece is quite as adult as I aspire to at least seem to be, but I just like it too much. What then?
Well, I will try it on. I can’t just ignore flat out liking something. It warrants reflection, at least.
This bikini, I admit, is just the kind of thing I would have picked out as a teenager… but I still like most of the things I liked as a teenager. I am really very consistent.