August, 2013 - The Seventh Sphinx

on the street: the bright suit


Look at this boycutie in the bordeaux suit. I love when people are distracted by their phone and don’t notice you taking a candid shot of them (until it’s too late). I don’t mind asking people to stop but I prefer a candid shot 9 times out of 10, if I can get it.

He is clearly polished from head to toe, and I approve of these color choices all around. I like the pastel brogues with the rich color of the suit, and the printed shirt underneath. So many don’t venture beyond a plaid pattern with a suit, if that.

I think so many different colors could work with this formula of a rich, dark suit color and a pale, pastel shoe color. A rich cobalt suit with buttercream shoes, a dark forest green suit with pale brown or baby pink shoes…I think any combination would be interesting.

All of the dark, rich colors seem to go beautifully with each other, too, as the shirt demonstrates nicely.

crafted: multi-strand necklace ft. pearls, coral, lapis lazuli

I recently made a multi-strand necklace, inspired by a challenge on the pearl-guide beader’s forum to put something together with three strands or more. [If you’re here from PG, you may have seen this already.]

Provided it’s feasible*, I love to make stuff. Maybe even more than the making, I enjoy thinking up stuff to make. Or rather thinking up stuff I want and, when I can’t find it, concluding that I’ll have to make it. If I have or can acquire the know-how, there is that undeniable appeal of being able to make myself precisely what I want (and such good gifts they make, too), with no compromise. Well, unless I muck it up.

*at least roughly within my abilities, i.e. the project won’t be abandoned, or a disaster, or impossible, or an ‘educational experience’ with no tangible results…(there have been a lot of those)


IMG_6236I used lapis lazuli chips, coral branches, and 5-5.5mm button pearls (all from JP Stachura). I knotted the pearl strand (on Power Pro, if you’re interested) and simply strung the others.

[Possibly you remember how much I  like pearls. How very much.]


IMG_6235I love, love these colors together. Separately, too, but especially together. From the beginning I was set on weaving the strands together (rather than making a torsade), to emphasize the jagged quality of the elements, and break up the chunks of color.

IMG_6234Part of the challenge was naming the piece. With the coral and the pearls together it seems like the necklace of a sea nymph to me, so: The Nereid.

I like naming things.
