October, 2014 - The Seventh Sphinx

hybrid catwoman

Halloween: license to do the kind of over-the-top stuff I want to do all the time.


The Michelle Pfeiffer/Tim Burton Catwoman was my starting point here. Sadly, my head was too big to fit in the badass mask I got, and the replacement badass mask is likely going to show up tomorrow. Of course. So there’s a little old-school Eartha Kitt Catwoman inspiration for the mask and ears. Not quite as creepy as the full mask, alas, but with its own charm.

This bodysuit is the costume staple that keeps on giving.


There really is something about a mask…


This whip is legit.


MAC Russian Red lipstick with a red Japonesque lip lacquer over top. Glossy finish a must.


These boots (Coach, thrifted) are not disappointing in any way.


There’s something so fantastic about Catwoman, I think, so crazy and unhinged, so easily distracted by shiny things, so sleek, so sensual, so stylish.

Happy Halloween.




try these: cinnamon brooms

In autumn Trader Joe’s carries these cinnamon brooms, actually made of pine that has been treated with cinnamon oil (from the cinnamon tree, how cool that cinnamon is bark). They smell purely, authentically and, at least at first, powerfully, of cinnamon. I love the smell of cinnamons (there are so many varieties!) along with all of their known associates (nutmeg(s!), allspice, clove, cassia), anything under the compelling umbrella of spicy and warm,* and usually pick up a few. They provide a pleasant, natural fragrance for a good while.

*Remember the original Bulgari Omnia?


My favorite application is sticking one in the coat closet so I smell like chai all winter.