September, 2015 - The Seventh Sphinx

NARS Audacious lipstick: Vera

You know that feeling when you get to the cash register and the total is less than your rough mental calculation? The simple appeal of unexpected good news? I had something like that feeling when I tried on the NARS Audacious lipstick in Vera for the first time.

NARS audacious lipstick in Vera


This is a beautiful lipstick formula, for the most part, extremely pigmented and creamy. [Check out Temptalia’s overview for an idea of which shades to avoid here. It’s a shamelessly massive collection of 30 lipsticks.] This is a lovely deep burgundy shade, bold and saturated. I put a shade like this on and think, simply, yes. If only I could be so effortlessly pleased with more purchases. No doubts, no debating. Just yes.


Paired here with MAC blush in Loverush, a plum shade given to me by the beautiful Marianne when we were getting ready one night and I admired it in her makeup stash. One of my favorite ways of losing and acquiring makeup. Hi Marianne!

For quick comparison, here it is (far right) swatched with (L to R), Lancome Rouge in Love 391N Fiery Attitude (long-time favorite) and MAC Rebel lipsticks. Distinctly ruddier than either of those more plum shades, Rebel is more sheer. That said, the effect of this color is similar, namely a vivid lip that offers an impression of darkness while maintaining a punch of brightness.


This is not quite dark enough for full-blown oxblood territory* (it’s on that path, though), and remains in the color category of, say, a spectacular bruise. And of a lot of warm-toned red wines. It is still under the umbrella of an earth tone, for me, is a large part of this shade’s appeal (in a way that the plum tones are not). There is a presence of brown that I find anchoring. This is like the red equivalent of a nude lipstick, maybe, in my brain. Especially in its muted, blotted form it looks…not natural, but not so far outside the boundaries of natural, either. Perhaps the word I’m looking for here is the often drab ‘wearable’, though I’m comforted that many would contest the characterization. There is a purple element to it as well, too, so it’s a versatile shade.

*For which I have acquired the shade Olivia in this same line, a stunning oxblood. Fully autumn-worthy. Love that name, too (also really like the name Vera, incidentally). Going to have to get to that later.

Fades gorgeously, btw, and is very english rose when worn as a faintly smudged-in stain, which is a technique I highly, highly recommend trying out with dark/darkish lipsticks. Smudge it on with your finger (don’t want precise edges), blot nearly everything off, and see what happens. For that, though, the exact shade hardly matters, and nearly every red-like lip thing medium to dark in concentration will do something nice.





Joined Snapchat a few days ago and I’m still not entirely convinced it’s my kind of thing…like, maybe I can’t be bothered, and don’t have enough friends for this?

But I’m going to give it a chance.

It’s a low key way to experiment with video, which I’ve been wanting to do for years now but haven’t quite gotten my act together. [I am going to, though!] And I can see the appeal of the everyday life-moment sharing that it encourages more successfully, it seems, at least for me, than either twitter or instagram,* which have their own distinct uses, pros, cons.

username: seventhsphinx








*Follow me on instagram! I love instagram.

It takes quite a lot of energy, from my perspective, to go to the trouble of this kind of sharing (perhaps I do not give so generously/unquestioningly of myself and my time social-media-wise as the younger generation?)…but I do enjoy seeing the storylines of my friends, and a few people I follow on YouTube who aren’t my friends but who are entertaining or share interesting data. Anyway, I’m sufficiently intrigued.

Are you on Snapchat? Do you love Snapchat? Can you explain to me if you chat a snap, or snapchat a snapchat, or are the terms interchangeable?

Follow me! Show me how it’s done! Let me know your username in the comments and I’ll follow you!
