bikini of the day: gold lamé python print



What, really, is there to say?

It is a gold lamé python print bikini.

I concede that there is a garish element to this suit, objectively I understand this… but my reaction is pure approval. This is a bikini of extremes, to be worn in extreme heat and sun, with extreme accessories. A bikini for some stylized goddess of pythons. A bikini that can really stand up to summer. It is rather summer that might fail to be summery enough for this bikini. [I live in entirely the wrong latitude for this bikini.]

We have seen python before, and we are going to see it again.

Gold and white are some of my favorite colors, too. I turn toward them, move toward them, like a raccoon toward anything shiny, without fail.

The suit with the green leaves is I think my casual favorite…but this might be my outright favorite. Or I think favorite is not the right word, a favorite existing in this case within a certain context and mood. This is the most me. The result if I were to be traduced into a bikini. My spirit bikini.

(Yes, it was from Victoria’s Secret.)