fashion - The Seventh Sphinx - Page 122

upgrades: new shoelaces (laces are so cheap!)

An inexpensive way to brighten and refresh your shoes? New laces! More to the point, contrasting laces.

For standard, flat, sneaker-style laces I recommend Converse laces, which come in a few lengths and many, many colors. ~$2!

For sturdy, round, boot-style laces, check out Doc Marten’s. ~$3!

[Make sure to get the correct length]

before & after:

pumas before
pumas before
pumas after
pumas after


converse before
converse before
converse after
converse after
docs before
docs before
docs after
docs after
and after
and after
and after
and afer
and after


See what I mean?

(Which color would you go for with the doc martens? Tough call, right?)

N.B. New white laces tend to make broken-in shoes look especially tired.

weekend distraction: upcycled neckties

I got the idea for this weekend inspiration series from Garance Doré’s site, the layout and content of which I really admire. It’s basically an excuse to post anything I think beautiful or interesting.

[Which I am supposed to be doing on tumblr, but I only just started it, so I keep forgetting it exists.]

Check out these upcycled necktie accents by buffalo blue designs.







How neat? These strike me as wonderfully versatile in that way statement pieces can sometimes be. They can be as voluminous and colorful as your tie supply allows.

I am absolutely inspired to try to make one of these, and have been collecting ties.