weekend distraction: asos - The Seventh Sphinx

weekend distraction: asos

Free shipping and free returns? Perpetual promotions? Solid customer service? Asos, you are a my kind of vendor.

I usually end up returning something from any given order but I usually end up keeping something, too. The quality of the asos brand stuff is hit or miss but they carry a lot of other brands as well (a number of European brands it is otherwise tough to acquire), and there always a sale on, and usually a promotion on top of that. I like this site for lingerie especially.

Today’s choices, I realize, are almost all for when winter is a distant memory…

It’s a little strange to shop for the distant future. It’s an exercise I enjoy, though. It encourages me to be aspirational in my style choices, and forces me to ask myself the very useful question “Am I going to like this in 4-6 months?” (answering which question is a more rigorous process than answering “Do I like this now?”). Usually I want to be able to say I will like something for many years (which may or may not be correct), though I will now and then yield to the whim of the hour (which may very well stand the test of time better than the more carefully chosen pieces).

Shopping is a tricky business.

Images (from asos) link to item pages

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fluid black maxi dress


white linen maxi skirt


paisley skater skirt (a bit of a wild card, this)

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jade shift dress with strap details (gorgeous color)


(back view)

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tuxedo pants (right?!)

We’ll see how it goes.