art - The Seventh Sphinx - Page 2

weekend distraction: environment as art

Artist JeeYoung Lee Converts Her Tiny Studio Into Absurdly Elaborate Non-Digital Dreamscapes

I found these projects so beautiful and arresting. And this is the best headline I’ve read in a while.

“For Korean artist JeeYoung Lee the question was how to utilize her small studio space in Seoul measuring 11.8′ x 13.5′ x 7.8′ (3.6m x 4.1m x 2.4m) that was proportionally miniscule to the scale of her boundless imagination. Instead of finding a new location or reverting to digital trickery, Lee challenged herself to build some of the most elaborate sets imaginable for the sake of taking a single photograph.”






Suddenly it seems I could be doing a bit better with my interior efforts.

images via thisiscolossal.com

in which I am subsumed by art


My friend Farrin has nearly finished the piece I modeled for (earlier draft with orientation here). Incredible, delicate intricacy in ink and watercolor. Wreathing the edge is the phrase I believe in dreams repeated in many languages. Bordered by vines and flowers and firebirds,  flanked by sphinxes and I myself a kind of hybrid womansphinx. A hybrid of a hybrid. A meta-hybrid. Love. How ideal are the proportions of these wings?

[Click twice on image for larger view]
