weekend distraction: it’s all in the details


This is, without a doubt, the coolest tag I have come across, and possibly the best safety pin ever.

I really must find a worthy use for this safety pin.

This utilitarian, strategically weathered ensemble is the price/product ID tag for the leather jacket* I got at AllSaints. There, for unabashedly staggering prices, you can find a great industrial chic aesthetic rendered in some of the softest and most luxurious fabrics around. The hefty price surely paid, in part, for this beautiful tag, but I find myself applauding AllSaints for it. This is branding and cohesive vision at its best.

*which will show you soon. It was so, so worth it.

Have you seen their storefront on Newbury Street? A massive matrix of vintage Singer sewing machines.



things I love, vol. i


In no particular order

1. free shipping

2. peanut butter

3. Anna Karenina

4. lip balm

5. leisurely grooming

6. raw almonds

7. when the price tag is not the sticky-residue-leaving kind

8. parsley

9. being ignored in the comfortable, pleasant way that indicates an utter lack of social obligation

10. floppy sun hats

11. being given just the right things

12. giving people just the right things

13. the cello, though I can’t play

14. stairs that are just the right depth and height for my stride

15. peonies

16. wine, more and more

17. the number 17

18. when I drop something and catch it before it hits the ground, and other indications that I would have made a respectable ninja