EM Forster - The Seventh Sphinx

reading: Nabokov, Adler, Forster, Kakuzo…



Between Meals, A.J. Liebling – I like reading gastronomes, particularly the French ones, and the ones partial to French cuisine. Want to read the Greek and Roman ones, too.

The Book of Tea, Okakura Kakuzo – How lovely is this binding?

Pale Fire, Vladimir Nabokov – Lolita is the kind of favorite that makes me want to read everything Nabokov has written. So, working on that. So far, so good.

Pitch Dark, Renata Adler – Renata Adler writes directly for me, it seems. Directly for my species of consciousness. I felt this with Speedboat as well. Find her so inspiring as a writer.

Howards End, E.M. Forster – many lovely passages, thanks to CPL for recommending.

Swann’s Way, Proust – still (savoring, not that there is any danger of running out of text for the next several years)