fleur de sel - The Seventh Sphinx

on the menu: warm grains salad

A mix of grains and vegetables is a flexible formula I often put to use.


This is a mix of brown rice, long-grain wild black rice, and quinoa cooked with raisins and pistachios, then tossed with sauteed string beans and fresh tomatoes. A garnish of fleur de sel and toasted almonds, and a [very] light dash of rice wine vinegar and soy sauce.

This grains + vegetables concept can go in so many excellent directions. I also really like adding curry powder and cider vinegar to the base of grains (which might also include millet or cous cous), and any number of vegetables can be appealing in. I’m thinking Brussels sprouts, roasted beets, roasted sweet potato, broccoli, kale…I especially like a blend of cooked and raw. Like: raw celery, scallions, ginger, tomatoes, or cucumbers.  Alternatively the grains part of the equation could be flavored with saffron or coconut, or replaced with lentils…

I keep thinking it would be so good alongside fish but I keep kind of forgetting about the fish in the moment. I’m going to eat more fish, though.* I aspire.

*Maybe if I blog it, it will come true…

on the menu: grilled ginger salmon with kale, fleur de sel


Fleur de sel is so pretty.

Ginger, garlic, herbs de provençe & tellicherry pepper on wild Alaskan sockeye salmon. Wonderfully rich, fatty texture on this fish, which I was careful not to overcook.

Lots of ginger.

After I took the photo I added even more parsley. I have a thing about piling on herb garnishes until ‘garnish’ isn’t quite the right category for them anymore. More like, ‘incorporated side dish’.