on the menu: grilled ginger salmon with kale, fleur de sel


Fleur de sel is so pretty.

Ginger, garlic, herbs de provençe & tellicherry pepper on wild Alaskan sockeye salmon. Wonderfully rich, fatty texture on this fish, which I was careful not to overcook.

Lots of ginger.

After I took the photo I added even more parsley. I have a thing about piling on herb garnishes until ‘garnish’ isn’t quite the right category for them anymore. More like, ‘incorporated side dish’.

on the menu: Proust and madeleines



I asked for a madeleine pan for Christmas.

Because, you know, Proust.

I defy you to read the opening chapters of Vol. 1 of In Search of Lost Time and not want a madeleine. Even or especially if, like me, you’ve never had one before.

They tend to be expensive to buy, so: literary baking! Turns out they are a bit laborious to make*, so I see why the expense. It also turns out that they are wonderful; a satisfying, delicate crunch of resistance yielding to a soft, lemon cake.

I’m amiably disposed toward them for turning out well on the first try. Curious to try some alternate flavors now, in which the butter is infused with earl grey tea or lavender buds.



I think the lesson here is, Proust does not disappoint.

*recipe from Dorie Greenspan, Baking: From My Home to Yours

N.B. This is what happens if you overfill the molds. I dread to think what happens if you don’t sufficiently butter and flour the pan.
