on the menu: eggs baked in avocado


This idea comes from The Garum Factory, co-authored by Jody Adams (head chef at the Rialto here in Cambridge) and her husband, Ken, who does the photography and much of the writing, and who I recently met (which is how I learned about the blog).  I find most of the recipes interesting mental exercises, like reading a cool cookbook, but this one for eggs baked in avocado I wanted to try.


Pillivuyt Brasserie tableware on loan from Didriks

I overbaked them slightly such that the eggs were a bit dry (I would bake them less than the prescribed time for the next attempt, and watch them more closely), but they were really good all the same, totally redeemed by the bright, fresh guacamole/salsa hybrid offered as a side (see link for recipes). I intend to include ginger in [virtually, maybe literally] all of my salsas and guacamoles from now on.

Baked avocado has a pleasing richness, and is a nice way to dispatch an avocado that isn’t quite what it should be when it should be (underripe better than overripe, which can become a bit bitter in the baking I’m told). Weirdly good with coffee, I suppose due to the creamy fat of the avocado/egg situation contrasting with the acidity of the coffee. Will be perfecting these.


on the menu: deluxe ramen






 Ramen is so ripe for improvement, the brands you can find at Asian markets especially so. I add all manner of enhancements and it seems I cannot go wrong. The most flexible dishes are often the most reliable, too, I think.

Prime candidates include: egg, cabbage (a lot), scallions, ginger (a lot), garlic, lemongrass, sesame seeds, sesame oil (a lot), bouillon, miso paste, mirin, hot pepper (whole or flakes), soy sauce (a little, maybe), carrots, celery (a lot), any other vegetables that seem amenable…
