hair - The Seventh Sphinx - Page 2

switching it up

I am currently browsing wigs like it is my favorite extra-curricular activity. I can trace the current jones directly to RuPaul’s Drag Race, as I watched several episodes (in an abbreviated way, skipping to the main runway event) and was totally inspired by the looks and, especiallyespecially, the wigs. It occurred to me that I had never explicitly searched ‘drag wigs’ in any previous wig investigations, and I was right in thinking this would yield excellent results.

I love my hair,* but the desire to be something new, something other, isn’t about liking or not liking my genetics, it’s about creation and play. And hair is a major player, make a drastic change and people will have a hard time recognizing you, meaning it is not only influential but influential in an easy, straightforward way. What I’m getting at is: I enjoy wigs. [Haven’t worn them recently, which I realize I need to remedy.]

*my hair:


So, going to show you the wigs I’m considering at the moment (you know when you leave a tab open with a cart that you occasionally fiddle with and just think about for a while?).

But first! A brief history of wigs wrt this site (images link to original posts):


slightly tacky ponytail


An excellent Halloween


Bangs! This is the wig that made me want more, still darker wigs. They provide this incredible contrast.


Asymmetrical bob


Classic fro. [Gotta love these RayBans.]

OK, so I’m all about variety.

AND, now thinking about (images link to vendor pages):

2dea01c8da3175b68fe2fde33612d639Long, luscious curls. A little looser than my own curls but still riotous. Loved this one right away, definitely at the head of the pack.


Glossy layers with hint of wave, polished and healthy but not otherwise dramatic (unless you know what my hair is supposed to look like) dark strawberry blonde shade. Really, really want to see what this shade would look like.


Same model as above but in a dark brown shade with a few lighter shades blended in. I’m curious about the lighter shade but this one is singing to me. The color looks so lovely, and more natural as well.


I didn’t realize what a booming business there is for Kim Kardashian-inspired wigs. It’s no surprise, of course, because Kim’s hair looks phenomenal and always has. Love this voluminous style, though something a little shorter with more layers (that is, a slightly different Kim K style wig) appeals as well. This is in second place after the dark curly queen at the top of the list, or I think it is, though I keep turning back to


More body. Curls still loose but uniform rather than clustered at the ends. I hope you can see that this is totally, completely, so, so different from the wig above. There is a seemingly endless variety of curl types, and for me they genuinely have different effects, call to mind different kinds of characters. This isn’t what I was looking for (isn’t what I thought I was looking for) but I liked it immediately. The SassySecret wigs look especially natural [and SassySecret is just a hilarious name].

And then, the wild card.


I love this shape, full and not too slick with loose curls gathered at the tips. Actually I looked for the same style in darker shades for a while but only found some with streaky highlights. Alas. This is the if-only entry. I don’t think this ginger, Jessica Rabbit color would be any good on me, really, but it would be fun to try out anyway. And maybe it would be weirdly cool? You never know until you try, and I like wigs that represent hair styles I couldn’t have with my own hair, at least not realistically, not without major outlay, damage, and upkeep. Seems like I should have at least one red wig…

So what do you think? Tough decision, right?

Would you wear a wig?

[All of this thinking about change makes me want to at least cut my hair.]


the rain run

It’s been pouring rain here in Cambridge.

But I don’t mind a bit of rain.


Even a lot of rain…


I don’t actually run with my hair down (that would be silly/disastrous) but doubtless you have been wondering, what does a sphinx’s hair look like when it is wet? You see how I am always thinking of you.


Here it is freshly washed, with a bit of conditioner and oil in. This is the stage just before it goes into its habitual bun. I will leave it down now and then (to air dry – blow driers are impracticable) but it’s always something of a crapshoot, how things will turn out (especially good days live on in memory).

I’ve historically kept such a tight reign on my hair that I need to make a conscious effort to let it be, and embrace the chaos. It’s a good exercise, though. And after all, if it seems messy in a way I do not like (as opposed to strategically messy, within a range of what seems to me to be acceptably, stylishly messy), no one cares. I’m not even sure it’s an observable distinction for others. The inexorable familiarity with oneself seems always to be causing such discrepancies.


I was decidedly damp by the end of this little documentation session.

Ever since I started playing tennis a few years ago I’ve come around to the virtues of proper activewear (as opposed to, say, retired pajamas). There are so many brands making good, fashion-conscious activewear now. Yet another arena in which one need not suspend one’s style to participate.

I’ve been on the lookout for a pair of bright sneakers (to encourage the wearing of said sneakers, and the activities when wearing) but haven’t found one I like yet. Isn’t it always the way. It is just one quest after another, this life.


Climawear top, New Balance sports bra, Soffe shorts, Saucony sneakers, Adidas Duramo watch.



Great running track: Cut Copy – Lights and Music

