karla's closet - The Seventh Sphinx

reading: favorite style blogs

Here are some of my favorite fashion and style blogs to follow (I like to use feedly), some of which are relatively new to me, and some of which I’ve been reading for many years.


 feedly, so useful

1. Karla’s Closet


Jewelry designer Karla Deras has a distinctive style I fully appreciate. I admire a lot of the svelte silhouettes she favors and, while her taste isn’t always aligned with mine, I love her style, especially her use of color (which often manages to be somehow both bold and restrained) and preference for clean lines. I also like her incorporation of recipes and moodboards, and the aesthetic of her site was one of my primary inspirations when I was designing mine.

2. Garance Doré


A wonderful fashion blog by the French illustrator Garance Doré, which it is very likely you know about already. The other dominant influence of my design/layout, this blog has really exploded in popularity in the last few years (in tandem with the fashion industry itself), and understandably so with its beautifully photographed blend of frippery and reflection. She draws from all areas of her life to create content, one of the main things I find to admire in her site, and the one I most hope to emulate.

3. because i’m addicted


A tremendous source of cool photos, mostly but not all fashion-centric. Technically I don’t read this blog so much as just look through it.

4. Shine By Three


This is a style blog I’ve only recently begun to follow but it’s quickly become a favorite. Margaret Zhang is gorgeous, for one, and does stunning editorial shoots that are, basically, exactly the kind of thing I want to be doing. One of the kinds of things. She kind of rambles, too, which I like.

5. Dulceida


A style blogger from Barcelona who often does music and video collaborations, and blogs in both Spanish and English. I’m not a faithful reader exactly, and I’m not necessarily really into her looks…but she’s so charming to me. I like how she does things, her enthusiasm (she starts most posts with ¡Hola preciosos!), and once in a while she’ll do a look that I find pitch perfect.

6. The Sartorialist


Well, obviously. One of the first and now one of the most widely followed street style blogs, with shots from all over the world by photographer Scott Schuman, boyfriend of Garance Doré above. There’s always something of interest in the clothes (I especially like that he features men and women of all ages, and often on bicycles), and once in a while there is a photo that makes a deep impression on me…I keep checking in on this site so as not to miss those.

7. Nadia Aboulhosn


GeekOutsider recently directed me to this blog, featured on buzzfeed a bit ago, and it was an instant winner. She’s doing some amazing editorial stuff as well as wonderfully bold, often edgy street stuff. I like that her style is (like mine) all over the place. It’s one of those style blogs that inspires you to do what you want, and makes you realize that if you were wearing what you really wanted to wear, things would be much, much, weirder, and much, much better.

There are others I like, of course, but these are the ones I follow with regularity at the moment. I’ll have to list favorite beauty blogs another time. Any favorites of your own you’d recommend?

images are from (and link to) relevant sites