on repeat : Luther Vandross

This track has completely charmed me. OK, the narrative boils down to: I told a girl I loved her and she said loves me back (though things are a bit hazy, maybe at first she didn’t but there was some crying and now it seems she does). Making me so happy, I must sing. With trumpets.

It has that innocent, 80s bounciness I always go for, as if it so easily could have been Whitney Houston singing here.* 1982.

Also, how handsome is Luther Vandross and his gigantic smile?

I love at the end (4:25) where he repeats: this man is a doctor, this man is a doctor. Really, though. I suppose it’s a sexy metaphor but I just like the lines, coming out of nowhere. I need a doctor, I think, is what he’s getting at.

[Mental note to make an appointment with the dermatologist. Where would I be without you, Luther?]

*Speaking of. My favorite song ca. 14 years old (and do I like it any less now? Uhhm. No.)

How will I know? Good old Whitney, asking the hard questions.

[This video, however, I cannot even remotely get a handle on.]

I’m going to have to alternate between the two of these now.



hit ’em high


I hit ’em high, hit ’em high, hit ’em high




These are incredibly comfortable jeans. Pseudo-jean legging things. I don’t uniformly love a high waist (not every time, not in every context), but I really like these. At one point I was going on about back pockets and proportions, and these pockets are, to me, a great size. (I also really like these jeans pocket-wise, the pockets of which are even more square). Larger back pockets, if anything, make my ass look bigger, more generous—as does a high waist—, which I like. Small back pockets do not make it look any smaller (no one is fooled by this ploy), which I don’t want anyway*, and they look immature and useless besides.

*I want it to look…not small. Like, a handful. I have no time for jeans that are not on board with this goal.



Express Stella high waist leggings, Eric Michael boots, Urban Outfitters plaid shirt, Banana Republic trench (thrifted), necklace via asos, J Crew belt, Mulberry bag (thrifted), Fossil watch. On the lips: Milani lipstick in Naturally Pink, much blotted and with Smith’s Rosebud Salve over top. On the cheeks: Michael Kors bronzer and Tom Ford blush in Love Lust, which will tell you about soon. It’s gorgeous, just a bit more muted/sophisticated than the (otherwise very similar) Japonesque blush I like so much.


I’ve been wearing my hair down more, too. Not as inconvenient as I was remembering. Hm. Don’t faces look totally different at 10′ vs 2′ away? The whole architecture of the face seems to change.



p.s. I’m giving away one of these Designsix ‘love’ necklaces this week. Just leave a comment below to enter! Open internationally, winner will be chosen randomly next Monday 4/14/14 at 10pm EST and informed through disqus. Good luck!