monochrome - The Seventh Sphinx

monochrome: stone

IMG_0696I like all sorts of taupe shades, and especially wearing them together. Throw some olive and chocolate in the mix and I have all of my favorite colors in one place.


These boots are still going strong in their second (or third? Why can’t I tell time?) year. 


The wind is not our friend.


Really liking these new corduroys, which have a nice skinny fit and large back pockets. I like large back pockets. They seem to make my bum look bigger and more generous, somehow, which I like. Friendlier? More approachable? I don’t know. Tiny, miserly (or even just small) back pockets look so unflattering to me (adolescent, too), and they are useless in the bargain.


Free People corduroys, Sorel Tofino boots, Jean Pierre cable sweater (via Marshall’s), Thinsulate gloves, Old Navy vest, Muk Luks hat, heart pendant from Etsy. The wooden earrings were a gift, long ago. Favorites. On the lips: Chanel Rouge Coco Shine in Esprit (mostly blotted off to give the tiniest hint of color). On the cheeks: Chanel cream blush in Fantastic, a beautiful deep berry color that looks entirely natural.

I am wearing so much more makeup than it looks like I am wearing here. [This Lisa Eldridge tutorial has the best advice regarding no makeup makeup I’ve seen thus far.] I see charm in both ends of the spectrum (the conspicuous as well as the inconspicuous makeup), as well as in the very reasonable act of actually wearing no makeup, which is closer to my usual approach.  Maybe a little something on my cheeks. Maybe mascara. Maybe. If I was in the right kind of mood that morning. The world of the blog is only fractionally indicative of life (and it is—for now—the world of photos, a world with slightly different laws and prescriptions). That said, a little bit can go a long way. I’m curious to experiment with wearing more both for the sake of testing products and to see…what it’s like. Just what is it like to be transparently made up on a semi-regular basis? What would it be like for me (other than time-consuming)? What can it do?

Anyhow, this kind of dark berry color is another winter blush I was craving, and I wanted this cream blush particularly, a relatively new and rightly much-lauded formula. Chanel’s beauty products are so, so nice. Not cheap, but not disappointing, either.




weekend distraction: winter white

I love white all year round, really, but particularly in summer and winter. I think the only difference for me season-wise is the weight and the volume of the textures involved. So for winter: fur, leather, long sleeves, layers, length, weight.  I don’t want just a pop of white here or there, I want a bright monochromatic shout. Not only in the realm of fashion, either, this is a deep preference that spans all environmental contexts.

I am nothing if not consistent.


I covet white bedding especially. 


Michael Kors


Gianfranco Ferré


Kate for Mango






This kind of bohemian chic look attracts me more and more. 


I am on the hunt for a white coat. Scandal may be to blame.


Salvatore Ferragamo


I want white pumps like this. I don’t care how impractical they are, I am shopping right now.



Donna Karan (damn)



Haider Ackermann (check him out)


Marco de Vincenzo


I could do this all day.

images via pinterest