nails - The Seventh Sphinx - Page 5

acquisitions: Revlon polishes



I hardly ever wear nail polish, as I can’t be bothered to take the time, and quite like the look of my natural nails, and can’t tolerate chipped or imperfect polish, and get distracted by shiny nails, etc. But I recently decided to give it more of a chance, and so was in the market for some. There was a great sale on Revlon polishes…so I have some nail polish now.



What I want to say is: how chic are the colors of the colorstay line? I think these muted colors look so modern and sophisticated. I especially like the khaki green color (Spanish Moss). These are the colors I am drawn to when choosing clothing; sage, slate, cream, taupe, eggplant…and really I am drawn to these colors in any context.

A good beginning, no?

♪ ♫ The Cure – Hot Hot Hot!!! ♪ ♫