Newbury Street - The Seventh Sphinx

weekend distraction: it’s all in the details


This is, without a doubt, the coolest tag I have come across, and possibly the best safety pin ever.

I really must find a worthy use for this safety pin.

This utilitarian, strategically weathered ensemble is the price/product ID tag for the leather jacket* I got at AllSaints. There, for unabashedly staggering prices, you can find a great industrial chic aesthetic rendered in some of the softest and most luxurious fabrics around. The hefty price surely paid, in part, for this beautiful tag, but I find myself applauding AllSaints for it. This is branding and cohesive vision at its best.

*which will show you soon. It was so, so worth it.

Have you seen their storefront on Newbury Street? A massive matrix of vintage Singer sewing machines.

