reading: Bulgakov, Thucydides, Didion, Barthes, Cela


The Master and Margarita, Mikhail Bulgakov – I’m still not sure what’s going on with this novel (quite a few pages in) but I’m interested. How did I ever even come to be reading this? I have no idea. The origins are lost.

The Peloponnesian War, Thucydides – Yup.

Slouching Toward Bethlehem, Joan Didion – Reading these essays feels like having a conversation with an admired friend. They are often funny in an understated way I tend to like, often reflective in a way I enjoy and want to emulate, often simply interesting in a way that makes me want to read more of anything the author has written. Other writers who do this for me: Renata Adler, JM Coetzee, WG Sebald, David Foster Wallace, George Saunders, Adrienne Rich…

The Fashion System, Roland Barthes – As dense a piece of fashion theory as you can ever hope to find. A fair amount of convoluted phrasing but not at all without interest.

Pascual Duarte and his Family, José Cela – Rarely have I felt so clearly that I am reading a translation. [Perhaps it is not a very good one, but that is not quite my point.] The types of inclusions and omissions, the reactions to stimuli…so foreign. Cela is writing [well, wrote] what is to me an unfamiliar style of fiction, which is so refreshing and healthy for the mind. Inspiring, too.

reading: wine, wine, wine, perfume


This is seriously what I am reading.

The Diary of a Nose, Jean-Claude Ellena – Ellena is the in-house perfumer for Hermès, and behind a number of fragrances I admire and enjoy: Hermessence Vetiver Tonka, Cartier Déclaration (more on this later), Voyage d’Hermès, Bigarade Concentrée, Different Company Osmanthus, Terre d’Hermès edp, the list goes on. If you are curious about the art, skill, theory, philosophy, etc*. behind perfume, this is an interesting little book, though I admit not as interesting as I had hoped (or maybe I just wish it were longer – it is much shorter than it looks). I like his more technical book better, Perfume: The Alchemy of Scent, though I warn you it is extremely technical.

*Here, for the interested, is a good New Yorker article about the process behind creating the Hermès fragrance Un Jardin sur le Nil.

Wine Politics: How Governments, Environmentalists, Mobsters, and Critics Influence the Wines We Drink, Tyler Colman

Perfect Pairings: A Master Sommelier’s Practical Advice for Partnering Wine with Food, Evan & Joyce Goldstein

Essential Winetasting: The Complete Practical Winetasting Course, Michael Schuster

The World Atlas of Wine, 6th ed., Hugh Johnson & Jancis Robinson

I have decided to be a bit serious about wine. Wine suits me, and being serious about wine suits me better still. Took a tasting course and enjoyed it so much. The act of parsing out the notes is exactly parallel to assessing a perfume; all a matter of attention, concentration, and recognition (and, the most challenging, expression).