skills - The Seventh Sphinx

so it begins

After many months of feeling left out re: Instagram, I’ve upgraded to a Samsung Galaxy S5. It didn’t hurt that the week before ordering it a commercial for the gold Galaxy S5 was playing on every Hulu break, and I heard ‘galaxy’ repeated over and over as I was watching [the most, most excellent] Cosmos.

I held out for a long time as I was hesitant to spend the extra dollars on something so dubious as a data plan. After all, constant connectivity doesn’t interest me at all, more the opposite. I would rather not be permanently available, and don’t tend to miss the world of media when it isn’t at my fingertips. But. Well. I do really want to play around with Instagram. And it will be nice to be able to check when the bus is coming.


Black S5 with white Otterbox Symmetry case and kiss decal. The profusion of available phone cases is astonishing. 

 The kiss detail* I added, which is more or less the logo for my life, lipstick and kisses being my favorite things.

*I am great at making lip imprints like this, incidentally. SWAK evidence. My imprints are shapely and generous, picturesque (though also, I suppose, in a certain sense, unsanitary, gross). Hard to say when this will ever be useful.

Here is my wallpaper, the continuous exposure to which is maybe the best part so far. Penguins. Balloons. Cuteness.

Flying-Penguins (1)

And, while I find selfies often tacky and egomaniacal, I cannot deny that I myself am not infrequently tacky and egomaniacal…


I suspect this is a slippery slope.

Any apps you recommend?

the fisherman’s sweater

A sweater and jeans makes an excellent uniform for warmer winter days.

I can’t remember if I’ve yet mentioned wanting to knit a sweater. Well, I do. An Irish fisherman style cable-knit sweater along these lines (for I want a green one).



love leather and knit textures together

Oh, and I got a floppy wool hat. I sometimes think such hats look silly when the hair is tucked underneath, without any tendrils escaping or anything [I can’t really have the kinds of tendrils I mean. Alas, it is not my lot to have long, faintly curling wispy tendrils. Though I can fake it.], but…I go back and forth.

IMG_1130This is the scarf I knit a few years ago. Light and flexible, forgot I had it for a while. A closet review is definitely in order. What is the use of excellent, carefully chosen belongings if you cannot remember that you have them?



Carraig Donn sweater (thrifted, a men’s small and properly cozy), Express leggings, Eric Michael boots, wool hat from Chicwish, Pratt & Hart leather mittens, 9mm studs from Pearls of Joy, Mulberry bag. On the lips, Revlon lipstick in Black Cherry (I couldn’t find it so I got another). On the cheeks, Chanel cream blush in Fantastic.

