small rebellions - The Seventh Sphinx

the bodycon

“The beauty myth tells a story: The quality called “beauty” objectively and universally exists. Women must want to embody it and men must want to possess women who embody it. This embodiment is an imperative for women and not for men, which situation is necessary and natural because it is biological, sexual, and evolutionary: strong men battle for beautiful women, and beautiful women are more reproductively successful. Women’s beauty must correlate to their fertility and since this system is based on sexual selection, it is inevitable and changeless.

None of this is true.  “Beauty” is a currency system like the gold standard. Like any economy, it is determined by politics, and in the modern age in the West it is the last, best belief system that keeps male dominance intact.”

                                                                                            – The Beauty Myth: How Images of Beauty Are Used Against Women, Naomi Wolf


I have new bruises this week, courtesy of la bicicletta.

American Apparel dress, Converse, Mulberry bag, Spektre sunglasses. On the lips: Estée Lauder Pure Color Envy lipstick in Tumultuous. (This formula is phenomenal)


Sundry incidentals

1. I have not shaved the legs in many weeks. I am not fully convinced of the virtue of the shaved leg.

2. In certain bodycon/bodysuit contexts, I think: no bra. In many backless cases the appeal of the smooth, unbroken plane of the back far outweighs the (socially inconvenient? they are quite harmless, quite common) fact of the nipplesAs Karla Deras put it in answer to an undergarment query, let them breathe.

3. As for the bottoms, Commando.
