social media - The Seventh Sphinx


Joined Snapchat a few days ago and I’m still not entirely convinced it’s my kind of thing…like, maybe I can’t be bothered, and don’t have enough friends for this?

But I’m going to give it a chance.

It’s a low key way to experiment with video, which I’ve been wanting to do for years now but haven’t quite gotten my act together. [I am going to, though!] And I can see the appeal of the everyday life-moment sharing that it encourages more successfully, it seems, at least for me, than either twitter or instagram,* which have their own distinct uses, pros, cons.

username: seventhsphinx








*Follow me on instagram! I love instagram.

It takes quite a lot of energy, from my perspective, to go to the trouble of this kind of sharing (perhaps I do not give so generously/unquestioningly of myself and my time social-media-wise as the younger generation?)…but I do enjoy seeing the storylines of my friends, and a few people I follow on YouTube who aren’t my friends but who are entertaining or share interesting data. Anyway, I’m sufficiently intrigued.

Are you on Snapchat? Do you love Snapchat? Can you explain to me if you chat a snap, or snapchat a snapchat, or are the terms interchangeable?

Follow me! Show me how it’s done! Let me know your username in the comments and I’ll follow you!
