stubble - The Seventh Sphinx

the scuba jacket




This is going to be a standard autumn uniform. Jeans, tee, scarf, leather jacket.

I believe it’s a combination of the high collar and the seam detailing allowing a snug, tailored fit that makes it a scuba-style jacket. Can’t get enough of these whiskey/honey/golden tan shades, and so pleased to break out my jackets again. I don’t know…jackets. I definitely have a thing for jackets. And eyebrows. And stubble. And Indian food. And peonies. And soccer players. And perspicuity. And where was I?


Right: cognac, cherrywood, sepia, camel, caramel, rust.


I am obsessed with the placement of this bun right now. My hair is in the same haphazard bun every day, usually, quick and easy, but I’ve been feeling sick of it lately (and have also lately realized, thanks to photos, that it is almost always crooked, though in the morning it always seems straight enough, and I admit I am baffled.). Want to wear it down more, sure, but something like this is a great sleek alternative, which is, though technically also a bun, fundamentally distinct from my usual bun, a totally different school of bun.

So much less severe than if it were even an inch lower, or at the nape of the neck. So much more mature than if it were an inch higher or more of a topknot. This is seriously what I spend my time thinking about.

Well. One of the things.


Leather scuba jacket from Wilson’s (also wearing here), Express jeans, Converse, bag from eBay, Ray Ban aviators. On the lips: NARS Audacious lipstick in Annabelle. This formula is gorgeous, ultra creamy and pigmented. Completely worth the price tag in my opinion. Great color range, too. The scarf was a gift from CPL. Chosen very well indeed.


Here’s another good example of the nosering blending in, I think. (Or maybe the earrings underscore it and I am totally wrong?) Did you even see it? I mean, notice it? It’s impossible to see oneself in a way, so I suppose I’ll never properly know, but, as with so many things, I’m pretty sure I’m right.


via instagram

